Our Commitment

We are committed to bettering the lives of those we serve. We will remain relentless in our pursuit of perfecting the process of Systemic Neural Adaptation and its application within the clinical environment.

We feel that comprehensive noninvasive therapies, if measurable, cost-effective and repeatable, provide a viable, and in many scenarios preferable option over surgically invasive or pharmacologic solutions. Systemic Neural Adaptation is the product of years of clinical research and adherence to a strict process of careful application and review of findings. This cycle of research, application, and review slowly evolved into a quantifiable and repeatable process with measurable results.

The practical implementation of this process is now encapsulated within our Neurosage. The amazing results that we continue to see through Neurosage are, in many cases, unprecedented. We are very proud of our products and our people who have made the realization of our core tenets possible. At the root of who we are is a desire to change the world, one life at a time.

We aim to provide our patients with exceptional service and care. We believe our success will always be defined by the improvement in the lives of our patients and their families.

Neurosage Sessions
Activities Run
Average Minutes Per Day

Our Mission

We strive to deliver technology and solutions that unlock the power of the human body and enable people everywhere to thrive and reach their maximum potential. We feel that the bedrock of both physical and mental health is a spiritual wellbeing. SNA is a company that has been founded on faith. We believe that it is by God’s grace that SNA has become a reality. We serve by maintaining the highest levels of integrity and by operating SNA in a manner consistent with Biblical principles.

Our patented process and Neurosage provide us an opportunity to serve our customers as we innovate with new products and grow as a team and provider. Our mission is becoming a reality as we use our creativity, skills, and experience to change the world one life at a time.

Patients and Employees.

Our Focus

Our focus is to better the lives of those we serve and we are here to serve you. We strive every day to improve the lives of our patients and their families. Our dedication to our patients is our top priority and the reason we are here. Your health and wellbeing is our primary concern.

Our employees and their families are a priority. We believe in our people and invest in them at every opportunity. SNA has established a work environment and policies that build character, strengthen the individual, and nurture their families. Our people grow and prosper as our company does and the SNA brand will always be as much about our people as it is our products and services.


What We Do

Clinical Research.

Our research scientists are dedicated practicing medical professionals who will continue to press the boundaries of medical science and technology innovation. They will continue to pursue extended applications of our process (Systemic Neural Adaptation) and our therapy environment (Neurosage). Our clinical research is the product of "hands-on" real-world findings from real people with real issues, this research is also carrying us into additional realms of products and services that will continue to change lives.

Technology Innovation.

Technology and leading-edge innovation in technology are core aspects of what we do. We are leveraging existing technology and inventing new technology as we create an innovation engine that fuels our pipeline.

Product Development.

Our SNA technology acumen spans almost every aspect of the technology industry and this expertise is evident in everything we produce. We will continue to push the boundaries as we remain laser focused on our products.

Process Design.

Our dedication to rigorous process and design are embodied in Systemic Neural Adaptation and Neurosage. This disciplined approach to process, analysis, and design ensure effective products and repeatable results.

Training and Development.

Systemic Neural Adaptation and Neurosage are at the leading edge of medical science. To ensure our practitioners are guaranteed the same results that we see in our clinical trials, we partner closely in long-term relationships to train and develop our partner professionals to ensure maximum results.

Customer Service.

Our team of customer care professionals are in the trenches with our practitioners. We don't just react when you have a problem, we are an extension of your team and your cares and issues are ours. Your health and happiness is always our top priority and concern.